Elisabeth completed pupillage in London and now practises in the Midlands defending and prosecuting the full spectrum of criminal offences.

She has defended clients charged with fraud, violent crime, drugs and regulatory offences. Her expertise includes complex fraud and notably Elisabeth has worked with the Serious Fraud Office on major prosecutions including Rolls Royce, Forex and Patisserie Valerie. Elisabeth is a busy trial advocate who has prosecuted on behalf of the Insolvency Service, the CPS and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.

Elisabeth has a reputation for her precise case preparation, forensic approach to disclosure and robust trial advocacy.

Key cases & testimonials

R v A – Represented defendant charged with a role in a complicated large-scale theft of multimillion pounds of Network Rail’s track involving 20 defendants.
R v S – Client acquitted of armed robbery after trial.
R v F – Represented a defendant charged with GBH in a multi-handed case. Involved a challenging client and legal argument on custody time limits and an application to vacate.
R v M – Six-week fraud trial complicated by my client absconding during proceedings.
R v D – Defended a farmer against numerous serious animal welfare charges.

To say that she is approachable is an understatement. Elisabeth always comes across as someone who has an excellent understanding of the case. Her written submissions were carefully drafted and matched equally with her eloquent advocacy skills.Instructing Solicitor, 2024
On the basis that I have instructed Miss Evans in relation to a wide variety of matters, I would consider that she is extremely bright and demonstrates an extensive legal knowledge.Instructing Solicitor, 2020
Miss Evans is approachable, straightforward, knowledgeable and a pleasure to deal with. I have always been more than satisfied with the outcome of cases clearly indicating that she is a very competent counsel. Instructing Solicitor, 2022

Areas of expertise

Elisabeth has significant experience handling violent crime. Notable cases include successfully defending a client accused of armed robbery and representing a defendant in a multi-handed GBH involving complex legal arguments.

Cases include:
R v S – Client acquitted of armed robbery after trial
R v MR – Drugs conspiracy

Elisabeth has defended numerous individuals charged with violent crime including grievous bodily harm.

Cases include:
R v FF – Three-handed joint enterprise s18 GBH unprovoked assault with an unpredictable client. Achieved a successful outcome.


Elisabeth has been consistently engaged by the Serious Fraud Office on numerous bribery and fraud prosecutions for over ten years. She has been involved with the intelligence and pre charge investigation stages, disclosure and as independent LPP counsel.
Notable cases include Patisserie Valerie, Rolls Royce, Libor and Forex.

She has also defended clients in lengthy fraud trials, prosecuted housing and benefit fraud cases and advised on POCA proceedings arising out of the frauds.

Cases include:
R v M – Six-week fraud trial complicated by a defendant who absconded in the middle of proceedings

Elisabeth has experience across the broad spectrum of general criminal offences. She has defended those charged with armed robbery, violent offences, drugs, fraud, burglary, drugs offences, driving offences, dishonesty and regulatory offences.

Cases include:
R v S – Client acquitted of armed robbery after trial
R v F – Represented a defendant charged with GBH in a multi-handed case. Involved a challenging defendant and complex legal argument
R v M – Defendant a man charged with fraud in a six week trial
R v C – Represented a client charged with fraud during employment at Boots
R v S – Successfully prosecuted a significant housing and benefit fraud
R v D – Successfully defendant a male charged with threats to kill and possession of an offensive weapon namely a samurai sword allegedly used in three hour attack on partner and child
R v DA – complicated large scale theft of multi million pound Network Rail track involving 20 defendants.
R v FF – Three handed joint enterprise s18 GBH unprovoked assault with an unpredictable client. Achieved a successful outcome.

Elisabeth has prosecuted and defended cases brought by local authorities and the RSPCA since 2013. She has presented cases relating to:
Animal Health and Welfare
Fraudulent Trading
Food Labelling, Hygiene and Safety
Environmental Trading Standards
Fire Safety Regulations.

Cases include:
R v H: defended a farmer against numerous animal welfare charges
Numerous cases brought by Southwark, Lambeth and Derby councils for illegal street trading, fraudulent trading and environmental offences.

Elisabeth has practised in regulatory work since a secondment to the NMC during pupillage. Since then she has prosecuted various Health and Safety and Environmental offences on behalf of Southwark, Lambeth and Derby Council.

Numerous cases brought by Southwark, Lambeth and Derby councils for illegal street trading, fraudulent trading, food and hygiene regulations and environmental offences. She has appeared in cases dealing with varied breaches of regulatory frameworks.

Cases include:
R v H: defended a farmer against numerous animal welfare charges

Elisabeth deals with POCA matters arising in the Crown Court after conviction and has prosecuted POCA on behalf of the Insolvency service.