17th April 2024

“An Assessment of the Reliability Requirement in the Electronic Trade Documents Act” was written by Emile Yusupoff and Dr Satya Talwar Mouland

Emile Yusupoff, Dr Satya Talwar Mouland and Vasanti Selvaratnam KC

Since coming into effect in September 2023, the Electronic Trade Documents Act (ETDA) has changed the concept of document possession in English law, bridging the gap between physical and electronic trade documents. But how does one gauge the reliability of electronic systems under this act?

In this latest article for the Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, Emile Yusupoff and Dr Satya T. explore this question, examining the concept of “reliability,” the ETD gateway criteria, and the potential implications of failing to meet them.

“An Assessment of the Reliability Requirement in the Electronic Trade Documents Act” was written by Emile Yusupoff and Dr Satya Talwar Mouland, and edited by Vasanti Selvaratnam KC for the JIBFL.

Read the full article here.

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