The Law and Practice of Expulsion and Exclusion from the United Kingdom: Deportation, Removal, Exclusionand Deprivation of Citizenship (Deputy Editors, Ellis Wilford and Rowena Moffatt and Eric Fripp (General Editor) (Hart, Oxford and Portland OR, 2014)
This book, which focuses on the law and practice governing deportation, removal and exclusion from the UK, the denial of British citizenship, and deprivation of that citizenship, represents the first attempt by practitioners to provide a cohesive assessment of UK law and practice in these areas. The undertaking is a vital one because, whilst these areas of law and practice have long existed as the hard edge of immigration and nationality laws, in recent years the use of some powers in this area has greatly increased and such powers have arguably expanded beyond secondary existence as mere mechanisms of enforcement. The body of law, practice and policy created by this process is one which justifies treatment as a primary concern for public lawyers.
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Involving Ellis Wilford, Eric Fripp and Sandra Akinbolu