Foreword from editor, James Petts:
This is the first edition of the 36 Bedford Row agriculture newsletter; we hope that you will find it useful.
It is the first in what we hope will be a series of newsletters aimed specifically at the agricultural sector, covering a range of topics that may be quite disparate in legal terms, but all of which are particularly relevant to agriculture and the people involved in it.
We have articles from Paul Infield, a highly experienced family barrister, on the ups and downs of matrimonial finance on divorce where agricultural property is involved; an article by one of the foremost experts in planning, David Altaras, on development in the countryside; my own article on possession claims in the context of probate, which can be an issue for family farms as much as agricultural workers’ cottages; an article on the ever troublesome issue of proprietary estoppel from senior chancery practitioner Philippa Daniels; and, reminding us that this is 2015.
We are always happy to have feedback on the articles or on any subject that you would like to see covered in the next edition of our newsletter, for which purpose, I, the editor, can be contacted at
Involving Paul Infield