Richard Wilson KC, LL.D is a Commercial, Public and Administrative law and Employment specialist. He is often instructed in cases that require interpretation of written instruments (contracts, statutes etc.).
He has been involved in some landmark decisions in the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom and the Court of Appeal on a range of matters, including: the interpretation of the European Union Reception Directive, the misuse of confidential information and account of profits as a remedy, and the principles governing the entitlement to costs in judicial review cases.
Richard’s principal area of practice is commercial disputes. He has considerable experience of litigious domestic and international disputes (e.g. distributorship agreements, sale of goods and services, agency agreements, etc.).
As for ADR, the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) accredited Richard an “outstanding” mediator in a number of categories.
Richard is absolutely brilliant - a superb lateral thinker with an encyclopaedic knowledge of the law, whilst remaining mindful of the commercial positions of the respective partiesManaging Partner - Commercial Disputes Law Firm, London
Thank you for your patience and persistence which, coupled with necessary wise counsel at strategic moments, proved highly instrumental in procuring a settlement which seemed very unlikely indeed at an earlier stage.Solicitor UK
The dispute has been satisfactorily settled. I believe that your assistance played a very considerable part in achieving this and I am really grateful to you for it.Solicitor UK
Areas of expertise
Further information
The Global Conference On International Commercial Arbitration, New Delhi
Mauritius Arbitration Week
‘The ECJ and UK Law After the Transition Period – How Should Disputes Be Resolved?’
Guyana – ‘Golden Future: Oil, Gas and Energy Development’
The Future of Legal Services and Local Government
The Oil, Gas, Energy & Sustainability Law Converzacione II – Fracking – An Introduction to the Law and Regulations relating to the Onshore Extraction of Shale Gas and Oil in England
Overview of the Law and Regulations Relating to the Onshore Extraction of Shale Gas and Oil
Judicial Review in Procurement and Commercial Cases
Local Authorities, Restricted Legal Services and Alternative Business Structures
The New CPR Part 36 – Eight Key Changes
Approach of the Courts of England Wales to Electronic Disclosure – The DIFC, Dubai
Is Proportionality Differently Applied by the Luxembourg and Strasbourg Courts?
Commercial Judicial Review: Scope, Regulation and Public Procurement
Appointments & Memberships
Recorder of the County Court (part-time judicial post, Civil)
Recorder of the Crown Court (part-time judicial post, Crime)
Visiting Professor of Law (Coventry University)
General Council of the Bar of England and Wales
Bar of Guyana,
South America Bar of Belize, Central America
FedArb – Arbitrator, Mediator, Expert and Mock Trials specialist. FedArb (“Federal Arbitration”) is a USA based ADR company specialising in arbitration and mediation services for complex commercial cases Click here to read more.
International Bar Association (IBA)
Commercial Bar Association
London Common Law & Commercial Bar Association
Administrative Law Bar Association
Bar European Group