Kelly has been recognised in cases for her meticulous approach to both advocacy and Submission documents. Kelly was commended by a High Court Judge in an International Relocation case for her conduct in a case (she was instructed hours before the hearing commenced and was able to conduct the case meticulously and to a high standard).

Key cases & testimonials

H(Children:Uncertain Perpetrator: Lies)[2024] EWCA Civ 1261
Appeal in care proceedings concerning the identification of a perpetrator of child injuries.

Jv HvOrs [2022] EWHC 862 (Fam) REPORTED
Application under the Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985 for an order pursuant to Article 12 of Hague
Convention directing the summary return of five children, aged between 14 and 7, to Germany. Application
made by Mother who remained in Germany with the two younger children. GAL supported the Application and
Local Authority. Opposed by the father until Day 1 of the Hearing. The father removed the children from
Germany in July 2021. On arrival the father claimed asylum, naming the children as dependants. The asylum
claims sought not to return to Iraq. The children had arrived by channel crossing.

LA v Parents
Case involved two parents from Pakistan. M was in this Jurisdiction and represented by OS as lacked
capacity. F was resident in Pakistan. LA sought transfer of proceedings to Pakistan supported by parents.
Kelly argued for the children that there was no effective current Protocol with Pakistan, children habitually
resident here and welfare mitigated against transfer. Section 9 Judge highlighted no effective Protocol
Transfer Application withdrawn.

F v M
Relocation to Australia: M had made a second Application to relocate the Parties 7 year old son to Australia.
First Application unsuccessful. Second Application Section 7 Report supported Relocation. F was extremely
distressed at prospect his child would move to Australia. Kelly successfully persuaded the court to adjourn the
case producing a forensic Position Statement about missing evidence including PNC check of Ms new
boyfriend whom she planned to live with. Judge adjourned commenting that Ms solicitors would be wise to
use Kelly Webb’s Position Statement as a guide to what evidence was required. After the case was adjourned
M abandoned her Application and F is now enjoying a stable regular relationship with his son.

F v M
Private Law then became Public Law F spent 18 months defending Allegations from a M whom refused
to promote any contact despite repeated court Orders and a Committal Hearing by a Circuit Judge that
resulted in her being ordered to undertake unpaid work due to breaches of court orders. M failed to undertake
this work. M had left the family home without notice to F and then basically hid the child from professionals
4-day Fact Finding Listed: M failed to attend. Allegations dismissed.

Case transferred to High Court. M then went on the run and despite numerous court Orders/tip staff
involvement and 3 separate police forces the child could not be found.

Kelly persuaded a District Judge after full legal and factual Submissions to dismiss Ms Allegations in full. This
is a rare decision by a court particularly as properly allegations of domestic violence are important for a court
to consider. Kelly argued that in ensuring Ms Right to a Fair Hearing were uppermost in the courts minds the
Right of the F to a Fair Hearing had become subsumed. Public Law Proceedings: High Court.
FINAL HEARING before Section 9 Judge. Decision child would remain with Father with supervised contact
only with Mother.

2018: Non-Hague Convention
Refusal of Summary Return. Children abducted by one parent to this Jurisdiction. Kelly argued against
Summary Return on Welfare Grounds. Summary Return refused.

S v G [2014] EWHC Jackson J
Private Law: jurisdiction case – application for move to Russia for child. Commendation to Kelly in conduct of
case instructed on day one of hearing

Re: G (interim threshold) [2017] EWFC B34 (20 June 2017)
Public Law: parents of two children. The 3 month old suffered bruising. Consultant later concluded there was
‘strongly suggestive of non accidental injury.’
The local authority issued proceedings and submitted at an initial interim hearing the court should not in
effect conclude the case at an interim hearing. We argued successfully that the court must consider as per
Finding of Fact dicta and the Judge adopted my summary. The Judge accepted that even though it was an
interim hearing that she could be guided my Submissions on the law and found that interim threshold was not
made out. Proceedings ended.

A Local Authority v M & M (by their Guardian) & Ors [2009] EWHC 3172 (Fam) Hedley J
Instructed on behalf of First Resp in application (jointly with Guardian) to discharge father from proceedings
due to risk posed. Application allowed
Public Law: parents of two children
The 3 month old suffered bruising. Consultant later concluded there was ‘strongly suggestive of non
accidental injury.’
Local authority case must continue to Fact Finding Hearing some months away. Kelly argued that the case
should be determined at the first Interim Hearing based upon a detailed Submissions document. Judge
persuaded to conclude matters at an interim hearing. Proceedings ended.

Abduction and Relocation : Reported cases

RVH v TF Non Hague Convention: Refusal of Summary Return [2018] EWHC 1680 (Fam)
Re DD [2016] EWHC 3546 (Fam) Abduction re Northern Cyprus. Instructed by Cafcass Legal
FB v IB [2014] EWHC 759 (Fam) Hague Convention. Relocation from USA to UK
(instructed in Children Act Proceedings following Abduction proceedings)
S v G [2015] EWFC 4 Child Abduction
Re C (Care Proceedings: Parents with Disabilities) [2014] EWCA Civ 128

She has an extremely supportive and warm manner.Chambers UK, 2025
Kelly is positive and personable, which clients just love.Chambers UK, 2025
A very safe pair of hands who is perfect for complex children law cases.Chambers UK, 2025
She really fights for her clients.Chambers UK, 2025
Kelly is an experienced advocate who deals with a range of children matters both in the public and private law spheres.Chambers UK, 2025
Kelly Webb's down-to-earth, sensible approach ensures even the most difficult cases run smoothly. A spirited advocate who fights tirelessly for the right outcome, she is known for her perceptiveness around welfare issues.Chambers UK, 2023
Kelly Webb's down-to-earth, sensible approach ensures even the most difficult cases run smoothly. A spirited advocate who fights tirelessly for the right outcome, she is known for her perceptiveness around welfare issues.Chambers UK, 2022
She will fight tooth and nail to get to where things need to be.Chambers UK, 2022
Is calm, considered and empathetic but equally robust when required. Clients trust her and know that in very difficult circumstances, she is on their side.Legal 500, 2021
Excellent at thinking on her feet and handling clients in difficult situations.Legal 500, 2020
Fights a case like it is her own.Legal 500, 2018

Areas of expertise

Kelly practises at a high level in Private Law Children cases and has become a specialist in the last 6 years in high conflict cases and has given lectures throughout the country.  Kelly is a robust advocate with forensic focus on the issues. Kelly has frequently ensured a parent has a full relationship with their children in intractable contact disputes.

Kelly regularly practises in International Children Act cases where one Party seeks to relocate to Hague and Non Hague countries or to Return to this Jurisdiction.

Further Kelly practises in Abduction cases and recently persuaded a court in an abduction case not to Order Summary Return on the basis of Welfare of the children.

Kelly initially practised in Criminal Law particularly sex crimes cases. Kelly also practised in complex Public Law proceedings for many years with detailed medical evidence and where Fact Finding Hearings were required. These years of advocacy experience Kelly now brings to Private and International cases meaning her ability to cross examine the other side or draft persuasive Written Submissions are of the highest standard.

Complex Allegations of sexual and physical abuse.