+44 (0) 20 7421 8019
Jamie de Burgos’ practice includes children, international cases (including adoption and abduction), conflict of laws, disputed expert evidence, and non-disclosure issues.
His medical interests are relevant to cases with vulnerable people. Court of Protection cases include withholding medical treatment, deprivation of liberty, welfare including residence and funding, and the right to life.
Jamie’s wider practice includes media issues involving reporting and broadcasting restrictions.
Appellate advocacy is undertaken in all matters.
Jamie is happy to share his knowledge and undertakes expert training of mental health witnesses, psychiatrists, and paediatricians.
Key cases
Re Y (Children) (Care Proceedings: Proportionality Evaluation)
[2014] EWCA Civ 1553; [2015] 2 F.L.R. 615 (Court of Appeal)Successfully represented father in Court of Appeal where the issues included the quality of parental care and the right for private and family life.
Islington LBC v. Williams
[2013] EWHC Fam. 2693 (High Court and subsequently Court of Appeal)Contempt of court and weight of evidence.
R (on the Application of G) v. North Somerset Council
[2011] EWHC (Admin) 2232, Laws LJ.
Judicial review of the quantum of support and financial assistance provided to severely disabled young adults.
Previous reported cases include international relocation of children and costs in financial relief.
Further information
M.A. Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge
Senior Associate of the Royal Society of Medicine
Appointments & Memberships
Inner Temple
Family Law Bar Association
Bar European Group