Georgina specialises in criminal justice and public inquiries and routinely advises on sensitive, high-profile cases. She is a diligent and effective advocate who combines sound judgement with meticulous preparation.

Georgina is an accredited advocacy trainer for Lincoln’s Inn. She has been elected twice by members of Lincoln’s Inn to the Bar Representation Committee between 2017-2022.

She currently sits on the editorial and policy board for the monthly journal of the Bar, Counsel Magazine.

Georgina has been commissioned by the Bar Standards Board to write and mark examination questions for the Bar Professional Training Course.

Georgina was a member of the Texas Defender Service panel at Cambridge University and conducted constitutional law research for several death row appeals, including in the US Supreme Court. During the summer of 2011, she undertook an internship with the Texas Defender Service in Austin, Texas, assisting attorneys defending capital cases.

CPS Panel appointments

General Crime Level 4

Key cases

Further information