Diane Mundill is an experienced junior who accepts instructions for both the defence and the Crown across a full range of criminal matters. Diane’s practice covers, in particular cases alleging drug supply and production, conspiracy to commit dishonesty type offences (theft, burglary, fraud and money laundering), violent offences and sexual offences. She also has a strong practice in matters of domestic abuse matters, whether involving allegations of physical abuse, controlling behaviour or harassment type offences.

After completing her studies Diane spent time at the Oklahoma County Public Defender’s Office as an Amicus Intern assisting the lawyers acting for defendants facing the death penalty.

As well as the traditional criminal work Diane also accepts instructions for prison adjudications and parole hearings representing those seeking release or a change in location / category.

In 2021 she spent three months seconded to the CPS. She is a Grade Two prosecutor.

CPS Panel appointments

General Crime Level 3

Key cases

R v R & Others June 2023 – Convictions secured for two defendants for their roles within a conspiracy to steal plant equipment and vehicles.

R v S & Others Dec 2022 – Led junior in the prosecution of a conspiracy involving seven youths accused of a series of racially aggravated assaults. Convictions secured for all.

R v B & Others, Sep 2020 – Successfully prosecuted those alleged to be maintaining cannabis crops in various residential properties around Peterborough. Issues of modern day slavery raised.

R v H, July 2017 – Acquittal achieved for a young male accused of a serious sexual offence against his ex-partner, issue of consent.

R. v B and Ors, Nov 2014 – Jan 2015. Led junior successfully defended one of four youths charged with murder. Issues over joint enterprise and what the pathology could actually show.

Further information


Honourable Society of Middle Temple

Member of the Criminal Bar Association

South Eastern Circuit
